term 2.5 – Terminal Utilities

The term module is an enhanced version of the standard library’s tty module. It provides a set of functions and context managers for POSIX-style terminal programming.

See also

Module termios

Low-level terminal control interface.

Xterm Control Sequences

Detailed list of escape sequences accepted by xterm.

API Documentation


term.IFLAG = 0

Input modes. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.OFLAG = 1

Output modes. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.CFLAG = 2

Control modes. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.LFLAG = 3

Local modes. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.ISPEED = 4

Input speed. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.OSPEED = 5

Output speed. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.CC = 6

Control characters. Index into list returned by tcgetattr.

term.TIMEOUT = 2

The default read timeout in 1/10ths of a second.

Terminal Control

term.setraw(fd, when=TCSAFLUSH, min=1, time=0)

Put the terminal in raw mode.

Wait until at least min bytes or characters have been read. If min is 0, give up after time (in 1/10ths of a second) without data becoming available.

term.setcbreak(fd, when=TCSAFLUSH, min=1, time=0)

Put the terminal in cbreak mode.

Wait until at least min bytes or characters have been read. If min is 0, give up after time (in 1/10ths of a second) without data becoming available.

term.rawmode(fd, when=TCSAFLUSH, min=1, time=0)

Context manager to put the terminal in raw mode.

The current mode is saved and restored on exit.

term.cbreakmode(fd, when=TCSAFLUSH, min=1, time=0)

Context manager to put the terminal in cbreak mode.

The current mode is saved and restored on exit.

Terminal I/O

term.opentty(bufsize=-1, mode='r+b')

Context manager returning a new rw stream connected to /dev/tty.

The stream is None if the device cannot be opened. The mode argument must be ‘r+b’ (default) or ‘r+’.

term.readto(stream, endswith)

Read bytes or characters from stream until buffer.endswith(endswith) is true.

The endswith argument may be a single suffix or a tuple of suffixes to try. Suffixes must be bytes or str depending on the stream. Empty suffixes are ignored.

High-level Functions

These functions are implemented using the low-level facilities above and should probably live in a different package; yet here we are.

All functions may time out if the terminal does not respond. Set term.TIMEOUT to increase the timeout.

High-level functions are not included in from term import *.


Return the cursor position as 1-based (line, col) tuple.

Line and col are 0 if the device cannot be opened or does not support DSR 6.


Return the terminal foreground color as (r, g, b) tuple.

All values are -1 if the device cannot be opened or does not support OSC 10.


Return the terminal background color as (r, g, b) tuple.

All values are -1 if the device cannot be opened or does not support OSC 11.


Return true if the background color is lighter than the foreground color.

May return None if the device cannot be opened or does not support OSC 10 & 11.


Return true if the background color is darker than the foreground color.

May return None if the device cannot be opened or does not support OSC 10 & 11.


The getyx function may be implemented like this:

from re import search
from term import opentty, cbreakmode, readto

def getyx():
    with opentty() as tty:
        if tty is not None:
            with cbreakmode(tty, min=0, time=2):  # 0.2 secs
                tty.write(b'\033[6n')  # DSR 6
                p = readto(tty, b'R')  # expect b'\033[24;1R'
                if p:
                    m = search(b'(\\d+);(\\d+)R$', p)
                    if m is not None:
                        return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
    return 0, 0

Or with stdin/stdout and text I/O:

import sys

from re import search
from term import cbreakmode, readto

def getyx():
    with cbreakmode(sys.stdin, min=0, time=2):  # 0.2 secs
        p = readto(sys.stdin, 'R')  # expect '\033[24;1R'
        if p:
            m = search(r'(\d+);(\d+)R$', p)
            if m is not None:
                return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
    return 0, 0

Indices and Tables